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Legal Notice

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the owner of the website informs you of the following:


-TAX ID: B87435673

-Address: Calle Génova 20, 3ª planta, 28004 Madrid

-Registered in the Mercantile Register of MADRID in Volume 34153 , folio 31 , section 8, sheet number M-6143330, entry 1/A1 03/12/2015


-Telephone: 919 993 809


Within the limits established by law, MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. assumes no liability for the lack of truthfulness, completeness, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its web pages.

The contents and information do not bind MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. nor do they constitute opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, as it is merely a service offered for information purposes.

The Internet pages of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. may contain links to other pages of third parties that MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. cannot control. Therefore, MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third party sites.

The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other contents included in this website are the exclusive property of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication, must have the express consent of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L.

Likewise, to access some of the services offered by MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. through the website, you must provide some personal data. In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, we inform you that, by completing these forms, your personal data will be included and processed in the files of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. in order to provide and offer you our services as well as to inform you of improvements to the website.

We also inform you that you will have the possibility at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability of your personal data, free of charge by sending an email to:

or at the adreess: C/ Gran Vía, 51, 4º Izq – Madrid – 28013 (Madrid).


MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. in application of the current legislation on personal data protection, informs that the personal data collected through the forms of the Website:, are included in the specific automated files of users of the services of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L.

The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is the maintenance of the commercial relationship and the performance of information, training, advice and other activities of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L.

This data will only be transferred to those entities that are necessary for the sole purpose of complying with the aforementioned purpose.

MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. adopts the necessary measures to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the old LOPD, the new Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDDD).

The user may at any time exercise the rights of access, opposition, rectification, cancellation, limitation and portability recognised in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). The exercise of these rights can be carried out by the user by email to:

The user declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, notifying MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. of any changes.

Purpose of the processing of personal data:

For what purpose will we process your personal data?

At MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. we will process your personal data collected through the Website: for the following purposes:

1.To comply with the commercial, labour, corporate and accounting obligations of the company.

2.Sending commercial information and newsletters about new services offered on the website and the sector.

3.To comply with the company’s internal processes regarding the administration of suppliers and contractors.

4.The process of archiving, updating systems, protection and custody of information and databases of the company.

5.The transmission of data to third parties with whom contracts have been concluded for this purpose, for commercial, contractual, administrative, marketing and/or operational purposes.

6.Execute a contract signed remotely with the user.

7.To purchase the products offered through the website.

8.Send promotional information electronically.

9.Provide the information requested by the user through the contact form.

10.Reservation management and payment.

11.Customer service chatbox

12.CV management

13.Reception of comments and opinions

We remind you that you may oppose the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time by sending an e-mail to the address indicated above.

The fields in these records must be filled in, and it will be impossible to carry out the purposes expressed if you do not provide this information.

How long will the personal data collected be kept?

The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request its deletion and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.


The processing of your data is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimise the same:

1.The request for information and/or the contracting of the services of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. ,  whose terms and conditions will be made available to you in any case, prior to an eventual contracting.

Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, insofar as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which after reading it, if you agree, you can accept by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as ticking a box provided for this purpose.

If you do not provide us with your details or if you do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to deal with your request, making it completely impossible to provide you with the information requested or to carry out the contracting of services.


The data will not be communicated to any third party outside MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. unless legally obliged to do so.

Data collected by users of the services

In cases where the user includes files with personal data in the shared hosting servers, MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. is not responsible for the user’s non-compliance with the RGPD.

Intellectual property rights

MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. is the owner of all copyrights, intellectual and industrial property rights, know-how and any other rights related to the contents of the website and the services offered therein, as well as the programmes necessary for its implementation and related information.

The reproduction, publication and/or use of the contents, in whole or in part, of the website, other than for strictly private use, is not permitted without prior written consent.

Intellectual property of the software

The user must respect third party software made available by MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. even if it is free and/or publicly available.

MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. has the necessary exploitation and intellectual property rights of the software.

The user does not acquire any right or licence for the contracted service, on the software necessary for the provision of the service, nor on the technical information for monitoring the service, with the exception of the rights and licences necessary for the fulfilment of the contracted services and only for the duration of the same.

For any action that exceeds the fulfilment of the contract, the user will need written authorisation from MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. and the user is forbidden to access, modify, visualise the configuration, structure and files of the servers owned by MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L., assuming civil and criminal liability for any incident that may occur on the servers and security systems as a direct result of negligent or malicious action on their part.

Intellectual property of the hosted contents

Any use contrary to the legislation on intellectual property of the services provided by MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. is prohibited, and in particular:

1.The use that is contrary to Spanish law or that infringes the rights of third parties.

2.The publication or transmission of any content which, in the opinion of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.

3.Cracks, program serial numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

4.The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in contravention of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

5.The use of the domain’s mail server and e-mail addresses for sending unsolicited bulk mail.

The user bears full responsibility for the content of his website, the transmitted and stored information, hypertext links, third party claims and legal actions with reference to intellectual property, third party rights and the protection of minors.

The user is responsible with regard to the laws and regulations in force and the rules concerning the operation of the online service, e-commerce, copyright, maintenance of public order, as well as universal principles of Internet use.

The user shall indemnify MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. for the costs that will generate the imputation of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. in any MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, for which responsibility is attributable to the user, including fees and costs of legal defence, even in the case of a non-final court decision.

Protection of hosted information

MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. makes backup copies of the contents hosted on its servers, however it is not responsible for the accidental loss or deletion of data by users. Likewise, it does not guarantee the total replacement of data deleted by users, as said data may have been deleted and/or modified during the period of time that has elapsed since the last backup.

The services offered, except for the specific backup services, do not include the replacement of the contents kept in the backup copies made by MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. when this loss is attributable to the user; in this case, a fee will be determined according to the complexity and volume of the recovery, always with the prior acceptance of the user.

The replacement of deleted data is only included in the price of the service when the loss of the content is due to causes attributable to MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L.

Commercial communications

In application of the LSSI. MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. will not send advertising or promotional communications by e-mail or any other equivalent electronic means of communication that have not been previously requested or expressly authorised by the recipients of the same.

In the case of users with whom there is a previous contractual relationship, MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. is authorised to send commercial communications regarding products or services of MADRID TOURISTIC CAPITAL, S.L. that are similar to those that were initially contracted with the client.

In any case, the user, after proving their identity, may request not to receive any more commercial information through the Customer Service channels.

REV: 30/11/2023





-TAX ID: B87435673

-Address: Calle Génova 20, 3ª planta, 28004 Madrid

-Registered in the Mercantile Register of MADRID in Volume 34153 , folio 31 , section 8, sheet number M-6143330, entry 1/A1 03/12/2015


-Telephone: 919 993 809



By means of the present text we make available to all users and clients the conditions of use and registration that are applicable to, reflecting all the rights and obligations of the parties.

All users who visit or access our platform and/or use any of the services that we make available, accept the conditions of use and the privacy policy, as well as the different modifications and/or additional legal texts that may be included in the future. If you do not agree with any of the conditions, you can unsubscribe from the service at any time or, if you are not a registered user, leave the platform.

Together with the present conditions, each of the services provided may be regulated by specific conditions of use and registration, and in any case it is obligatory that the user expressly accepts them before using and/or contracting them.


In accordance with the provisions of article 23 et seq. of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, contracts entered into electronically shall produce all the effects provided for by the legal system, provided that the consent of both parties is given and can be accredited.

For these purposes, it shall be understood that the completion of all the phases of the booking process and, where applicable, the payment of the corresponding economic amount, necessarily implies the provision of the express consent required for the contracting of the service.

Likewise, and in accordance with the provisions of article 27 of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, all the information relating to the contracting procedure is made available to users prior to the start of the contracting procedure.

The contracting conditions indicated below are directly applicable to bookings and stays made available through the web portal, unless expressly stated otherwise.


The booking procedure is carried out completely electronically through our platform, without the physical presence of the parties and/or external physical transaction at any time.

Any person with Internet access can carry out the contracting process as long as they are over 18 years of age.

The phases of the contracting procedure are visible to users throughout the entire contracting procedure. Three phases can be distinguished:

– Identification of the user.

– Selection of the booking and payment method.

– Confirmation of the booking.

The user only has to select the accommodation and the dates for which he/she wishes to book and click on the booking confirmation button provided for this purpose. This will start the contracting procedure, which will always follow the steps indicated above for all available services.

Once the establishment, number of nights, applicable taxes, total price and means of payment have been selected, the platform will show the user a summary of the booking made, together with the applicable contracting conditions, which in any case must be expressly accepted by the user in order to continue the contracting process.

Once the acceptance box of the contracting conditions has been checked, in case of having selected as payment method any of the electronic means, the user will be directly redirected to the corresponding external payment platform to make the payment, without having the possibility to access at any time to the user’s credit card data and / or payment systems.

The security of the payment procedure is guaranteed by the financial institution.

Once the contracting of the service has been completed, a summary screen of the contracting process will be displayed.

If payment by credit card has been selected, this will be carried out through the bank’s POS, a platform that is completely unrelated and independent of the provider.

Within a maximum period of 24 hours, the service contracting party will receive an e-mail containing all the information relating to the contracted booking. This document is the confirmation that the contract has been successfully completed, being valid as a means of accreditation for any type of claim, as long as the corresponding proof of payment is attached.

In the confirmation email you will find the contact details, and the rest of the instructions for arrival and departure.

The provider informs the user that all bookings made will be recorded in a file for the control and management of reservations and bookings, in which will be reflected along with the information of the contracted reservation, additional information to ensure the security and evidence of the correct completion of the procedure. shall not be held responsible in the event of occasional failures in the continuity of the service or, where applicable, in the occasional lack of availability of the same.

In the event that, for reasons beyond our control, the bookings or accommodation are not available after contracting from the time of notification of the incident, the user is entitled to request the provider to terminate this contract and return the economic amounts corresponding to the services not enjoyed, which will be duly refunded through the same means by which the initial payment was made or, where appropriate, by bank transfer.

In the event that any of the contents accessible through the platform are contrary to current regulations, we undertake to immediately remove them as soon as we become aware of and corroborate the facts.

We reserve the right to cancel a reservation in cases of manifest price error.


The reservation will not be formalised until you receive an e-mail confirming the validity of the reservation with all the corresponding information.

If you wish to modify your reservation, we invite you to call the restaurant’s telephone number in advance, this procedure is subject to availability.

We inform you that days before the date and time reserved, you will receive an email and/or sms where you must reconfirm or cancel the reservation in the links that are enabled for this purpose, if they exist.

Only once you have reconfirmed your reservation by email or SMS will your reservation be fully confirmed.

If you prefer, you can confirm your reservation by calling the restaurant before the reservation date.

Your table reservation will be held for a period of 15 minutes from the confirmed time. After this time your reservation may be considered cancelled, and the restaurant will have the table available for other diners.


At we are deeply committed to the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights.

The structure, characteristics, codes, working methods, information and exchange systems, development tools, know-how, methodologies, processes, technologies or algorithms that constitute and/or may constitute the platform are the exclusive property of the provider, and are duly protected by national and international intellectual and/or industrial property laws, and may not be subject to subsequent modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the user, without the prior express consent of the provider.

Similarly, all user manuals, texts, graphic drawings, databases, which complement the platform and/or the materials associated with it, are the property of the provider, and may not be subject to subsequent modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the user.

The provision of the platform in service mode or the mere access by the user does not imply, in any case, the transfer of its ownership, nor the granting of a right of use in favour of the user other than that expressed in these conditions.

In order for the user to be able to use the platform, which is the exclusive property of the provider, the latter hereby grants the user a non-exclusive licence of use, limited in time to each connection period, unlimited in space insofar as it can be accessed from any computer with Internet access, non-transferable, revocable and non-sublicensable.

In any case, any type of reproduction, imitation, transmission, translation, modification, elaboration of a derivative work and/or public communication is absolutely prohibited, regardless of the means used to do so, with the infringing user assuming all direct or derived responsibilities that may arise.

For any aspect that is not expressly recognised in this contract, all rights shall be understood to be reserved in favour of the provider, with the latter’s written authorisation being necessary in order to carry it out.


All content and information published or managed by users on the platform are the exclusive property of the latter, being a mere provider of information society services responsible for data storage.

The provider does not receive any type of intellectual property right for the fact that the user hosts or manages them on its platform, and therefore under no circumstances may it process them for purposes other than those directly related to the provision of the services effectively contracted.


In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, all personal data provided during the provision of the services will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy, which all users must expressly accept in advance in order to be able to register.

All users who accept these conditions of use, accept our Privacy Policy in an informed, express and unequivocal manner, and in this sense are entitled to the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition with respect to their personal data, and may exercise them as informed in the aforementioned Privacy Policy.


The present conditions will come into force on the date of contracting the service.


The rates applicable to each of the services offered through the platform will be solely and exclusively those that are published on the online platform, these being the only valid ones, except for typographical or transcription errors, in which case the provider undertakes to modify them immediately.

The provider reserves the right to cancel the contracts made from the time of their execution in the event that it detects the existence of typographical or transcription errors in the price and/or taxes applied to the transaction.

The provider reserves the right to make any type of modification to the rates of each accommodation, undertaking to publish them on the platform in a visible manner for users. Unless otherwise stipulated, the modification of rates shall not be retroactive.

The economic amounts may only be paid by direct debit or by credit card, the provider not having at any time access to any bank or credit card details.

All fees will be increased by the amount corresponding to the taxes in force on the date of issue of the invoice, which will be duly reflected in the summary of each purchase.


– Opening hours: Monday to Sunday from 07:30 to 00.00 hrs.

– Telephone: 919 993 809

– Email:


This contract may be terminated if any of the following circumstances occur:

– Failure to comply with the obligations set out in this contract.

– On expiry of the term of the contract

– In the event that the corresponding financial amounts are not paid in accordance with the terms and form agreed. The reservation will be automatically blocked the day after the non-payment occurs. In order to reactivate it, it will only be necessary to make the payment of the corresponding economic amount.

– Dissolution, liquidation or loss of legal personality.

– Any change or substantial variation of the essential conditions that were indicated in the present contract to carry out the conclusion of the present contract.


Likewise, under the terms set out in Article 14 of EU Regulation 524/2013 on the settlement of consumer disputes, a direct link is provided to the online dispute resolution platform:


For any controversy or dispute that may arise, arising from these terms or conditions, Spanish Law shall apply. The resolution of legal disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the user or customer.

REV: 30/11/2023
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